Thursday, August 11, 2011

IA Institute Newsletter #6.05 Released

I am almost finished with the NYC Digital Roadmap and will have a blog post coming soon. In the meantime, there is a lot of new publications on Information Architecture. Put this on your nightstand, bring it to the beach or carry it on the metro, cause we've got reading to do:

IA Institute just released Newsletter #6.05 with Part Two of Finding IA at the Enterprise Search Summit by Shari Thurow, a follow up to my article from the previous newsletter.

The Journal of Information Architecture released Issue 1, Volume 3 with a focus on the unique way of seeing what Jorge Arango terms "Environments for Understanding" and how they persist across channels and media.

Also the long awaited IA issue of the ASIS%T Bulletin is out:

And if that's not enough, here's an inspiring blog post on "Information Architecture," building bridges and making maps from Peter Morville:

I've got a lot of reading to do....

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