Thursday, September 11, 2003

Another Beautiful Day in New York City

Walking the kids to school today, I realized what day it was and how much the weather resembles 9/11/2001. It was a bit warmer then, so that helps put things in perspective a bit. My sister in law called this morning at around 7am (our time) saying she just woke from a bad dream and asked us to be careful today. She is in California.

8:46 and 9:06 went by without incident, so we are resting easy. I don't know of anyone who has actually worried out loud about something happening, but we are all thinking about it, aren't we? I've been trying to tune out all the irritating siren noises on the street that on any other day are barely noticable. Hope everyone is well. Prayers out to anyone out there who suffered a loss, have military friends overseas or are just plain emotional today.

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